
Best astrologer in India – Indraraj Priyam

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Astrology in Current Time – How Significant the Subject is in 2020

2020 is giving all of us a tough time; probably the toughest of some of us lives. We are going through critical phases where nothing is stable. In such condition, people are feeling helpless and need the right guidance. They are looking for help and hope. Is astrology a good solution for all their problems?…

Know the Importance of Graphology from the Best Astrologer in India

Handwriting as we all know plays a very important part of our life. From the very beginning itself, our parents and teachers used to provide huge stress on this part. It is said that handwriting reflects our personalities and from our childhood itself, we used to imitate a lot of good handwriting styles – just…

Insights into Astrology and Astronomy from the Top Astrologers in Kolkata

According to the knowledge shared by some of the famous astrologers in Kolkata, astrology and astronomy were treated similarly in the earlier period and only got separated in the 17th century – where astrology was rejected. During the later period, astronomy was given more preference and astronomy was made the foundation upon which astrology could base…

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